Programming Training from New Horizons


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New Horizons offers training courses for many different programming languages

For web developers, investigate our set of courses on HTML / CSS and Javascript, as well as GITHub and Python. Our C# and .NET courses will prepare you for software development challenges working in Microsoft environments. Our Apache Spark and Kafka classes will prepare you to work in the open source project’s big data analysis and distributed event streaming platforms.

Apache Spark and Kafka

Apache Spark, a significant component in the Hadoop Ecosystem, is a cluster computing engine used in Big Data. Building on top of the Hadoop YARN and HDFS ecosystem, it offers order-of-magnitude faster processing for many in-memory computing tasks compared to Map/Reduce. It can be programmed in Java, Scala, Python, and R - the favorite languages of Data Scientists - along with SQL-based front ends. With advanced libraries like Mahout and MLib for Machine Learning, GraphX or Neo4J for rich data graph processing as well as access to other NOSQL data stores, Rule engines and other Enterprise components, Spark is a lynchpin in modern Big Data and Data Science computing. The Spark course available through New Horizons here is geared for experienced developers. Introduction to Apache Spark for Big Data & Machine Learning provides students with a comprehensive, hands-on exploration of enterprise-grade Spark programming, interacting with the significant components mentioned above to craft complete data science solutions. Students will leave this course armed with the skills they require to begin working with Spark in a practical, real world environment. This course is offered in support of the Python programming language but can also be offered for R or Java with advance notice and planning. Our team will work with you to coordinate the languages, tools and environment that will work best for your organization and needs. Please inquire for details.

Apache Kafka is a real-time data pipeline processor. Its high-scalability, fault tolerance, execution speed, and fluid integrations are some of the key hallmarks that make it an integral part of many Enterprise Data architectures.

The Apache Kafka training course is designed specifically for experienced Java developers. Become an expert in harnessing the potential of fast data and streaming systems and learn how to navigate the complexities of modern streaming architectures. With practical labs and real-world examples, you'll be immersed in the cutting-edge world of Kafka and Java development. is a real-time data pipeline processor. Its high-scalability, fault tolerance, execution speed, and fluid integrations are some of the key hallmarks that make it an integral part of many Enterprise Data architectures.

Web Development Languages

The web development courses available through New Horizons encompass fundamentals in HTML through advanced skills in using JavaScript and CSS to develop highly interactive websites. The core skills learned through these courses are essential and foundational for all web development, and also set the stage for development in further programming languages.

Advanced language training for web development offerings include the Javascript frameworks React and Angular, plus Java development, used in web development as well as other application environments.

GITHub Training

GITHub is the de facto standard for programming collaboration and version control. In addition to learning how to use the system to manage your development and repositories, you will also master concepts that are applicable in all collaborative programming environments.


Python is a versatile programming language used in many fields, including web development, task automation, data analysis, and financial analysis. It's used in many application domains, including:

C# and .NET

If you need to program in a Microsoft application or Azure environment, a mastery of the C# programming language using the .NET framework is essential. New Horizons has a variety of valuable training courses to ensure that you are prepared for all your C# programming challenges.


C++ is the open source object-oriented programming language that is the historical standard. In environments other than Microsoft applications, C++ is a must-have skill.
