DevOps (development and operations) is a software development phrase used to describe a type of agile relationship between Development and IT Operations. The goal of DevOps is to improve communication, collaboration, and processes between the various roles in the software development cycle in order to improve and speed up software delivery. DevOps emphasizes integration between software developers and IT operations: Rather than seeing these two groups as silos who pass things along but don’t really work together, DevOps recognizes the interdependence of software development and IT operations, and this approach helps an organization produce software and IT services more rapidly, with frequent iterations. New Horizons is a Registered Education Partner (REP) with the DevOps Institute (DOI). REPs meet all of the globally recognized standards for quality education, and comply with the guidelines, policies, ethics, and standards of the DevOps Institute (DOI).
DevOps aims at establishing a culture and environment where building, testing, and releasing software can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably, and in a DevOps environment, cross functionality, shared responsibilities, and trust are promoted. One tangible benefit of DevOps is an observed decrease in development and operations cost. Other measurable benefits of DevOps include:
Contact New Horizons to determine the best DevOps courses for you or your team.